We’re ready to help bring your business forward in to the digital world. Our extensive technical knowledge is your gain.
Having a hard time understanding all the technological terms thrown at you by other software companies? Philo are happy to be the go-between and ensure your requirements are understood and met. Often jargon can be used as an excuse for issues. If this is the case we can push back on your behalf, we’re not shy.
We also offer consulting to recommend and answer any queries around the latest technologies, saving you time and brain space.
Discovering technology and how it can be applied to your business can be challenging, we stand ready to discover options, suggesting and implement solutions. Being implementers of technology ourselves, we aren't deterred by technical complexity - that is where we thrive - we break down the problem into constituent parts and identify where the hurdles exist.
Understanding the details while also understanding and visualising the wider solution is fundamental to software development and those skills scales out well to understanding technology and how it interacts with people and business processes.