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Web Portals

Spacing Dash

Data is the key to understanding how your business can grow and develop. Customised web portals can help with that.

Web portals allow your business operations to continue out in the field, keeping everyone connected. We begin the process with a deep understanding of how you operate. This allows us to leverage technology to formalise your business process and collect business data more accurately. That data then helps your organisation save - it’s a win, win.

  • Progressive web apps (PWA) to allow your users to use your website offline, so it acts like app.
  • Data Visualisation tools to allow you to easily see any patterns or trends in your data.
  • Convenience of having your business in the palm of your hand, wherever you go.
  • Certify Business Process by reviewing how your business is utilising technology at the lower level and ensure you’re maximising the potential benefit.
  • Flexible structure to allow for changes and growth.
  • Both offline and online abilities, so you’re never caught out.
  • Scriptable processes to facilitate customisation.
  • Software as an ongoing service. This involves using software - usually on a subscription - from a cloud source so that you don’t need to have it onsite.
  • Platform as a service. This is much like the above but allows you to embed and customise the service. This means the cloud software can be configured to your unique needs.

We are looking forward to solving your challenges
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Spacing Dash

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